Organic Design in Twentieth-Century Nordic Architecture eBook
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Organic Design in Twentieth-Century Nordic Architecture presents a communicable and useful definition of organic architecture that reaches beyond constraints. The book focuses on the works and writings of architects in Nordic countries, such as Sigurd Lewerentz, J?rn Utzon, Sverre Fehn and the Aaltos (Aino, Elissa and Alvar), among others. It is structured around the ideas of organic design principles that influenced them and allowed their work to evolve from one building to another. Erik Champion argues organic architecture can be viewed as a concerted attempt to thematically unify the built environment through the allegorical expression of ongoing interaction between designer, architectural brief and building-as-process. With over 140 black and white images, this book is an intriguing read for architecture students and professionals alike.
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Additional ISBNs
0415787262, 0415787289, 1315226162, 9780415787260, 9780415787284, 9781315226163
Organic Design in Twentieth-Century Nordic Architecture 1st Edition is written by Erik Champion and published by Routledge. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Organic Design in Twentieth-Century Nordic Architecture are 9781351849302, 1351849301 and the print ISBNs are 9780415787284, 0415787289. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 0415787262, 0415787289, 1315226162, 9780415787260, 9780415787284, 9781315226163.
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