Economics for Nonprofit Managers and Social Entrepreneurs eBook
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Economics for Nonprofit Managers and Social Entrepreneurs shows how economics contributes to better managerial decisions on social matters. This second edition of the original economics text for nonprofit managers, adds risk analysis, game theory, and behavioral economics to the managerial tool kit, along with analysis at the margin, opportunity cost, elasticity of demand and supply, market power, and cost?benefit analysis, with numerous timely examples. This text is essential for nonprofit managers and social entrepreneurs, and of interest to all economics students.
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Economics for Nonprofit Managers and Social Entrepreneurs 1st Edition is written by Dennis R. Young, Richard Steinberg, Rosemarie Emanuele, Walter O. Simmons and published by Edward Elgar Publishing. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Economics for Nonprofit Managers and Social Entrepreneurs are 9781786436764, 1786436760 and the print ISBNs are 9781786436757, 1786436752.
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