Family Business eBook
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Family businesses are the most common business form in the world, ranging from the millions of small local businesses to giants such as Walmart. This book showcases the crucial contribution that family businesses make to the world economy and informs students of the existing and potential research in this area. Drawing upon global academic research and case studies, theories of family businesses are explained and prevailing myths and assumptions are tested. Features including exercises linked to case studies develop skills in applying theories in practice. This concise textbook is essential reading for students of family business and useful additional reading for those interested in entrepreneurship more broadly.
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Additional ISBNs
1138217468, 1315440326, 1138217476, 9781138217461, 9781315440323, 9781138217478
Family Business 1st Edition is written by Carole Howorth; Nick Robinson and published by Routledge. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Family Business are 9781315440309, 131544030X and the print ISBNs are 9781138217461, 1138217468. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 1138217468, 1315440326, 1138217476, 9781138217461, 9781315440323, 9781138217478.
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