Game-Based Pedagogy in Physical Education and Sports: Designing Rich Learning Environments eBook
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Using a pedagogical concept similar to game-based approaches such as Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) and Game Sense, this book explores the teaching and learning of modified games in physical education and sports. It includes examples of innovative games designed to create a rich learning environment. The book presents a pedagogical model that structures game design to fit the needs of every specific group of students, enabling physical educators and coaches to design their own games and teach within a game-based approach. The book focuses on eight sports ? soccer, basketball, handball, rugby, volleyball, badminton, softball and cricket ? and for each sport it introduces a series of learning conditions that gradually increase in technical and tactical complexity. These conditions are supported with commonly seen game play scenarios, providing meaningful opportunities for developing awareness of technical and tactical solutions. Game-Based Pedagogy in Physical Education and Sports is a vital read for students of physical education teacher education (PETE), sport coaching, and sports pedagogy. It is also a valuable resource for physical educators and coaches.
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Game-Based Pedagogy in Physical Education and Sports: Designing Rich Learning Environments 1st Edition is written by Jeroen Koekoek; Ivo Dokman; Wytse Walinga and published by Routledge. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Game-Based Pedagogy in Physical Education and Sports are 9781000655667, 1000655660 and the print ISBNs are 9780367740283, 0367740281. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9780367740306, 9781003155782.
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