Turfgrass Science and Management, 5th Edition eBook
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Featuring green environmental practices and current information from recognized leaders in the field, the fifth edition of TURFGRASS SCIENCE AND MANAGEMENT invites you into the thriving turfgrass industry. Designed for both aspiring and practicing turfgrass managers, the book explains the science behind plant growth and soil properties and how to evaluate, establish and maintain a variety of green spaces, including golf courses, athletic fields, and landscaped lawns. In addition, TURFGRASS SCIENCE AND MANAGEMENT offers a review of critical math skills, an inside look at careers opportunities, and practical advice on effective business management practices to help prepare you for success!
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Turfgrass Science and Management 5th Edition is written by Robert Emmons; Frank Rossi, Ph.D. and published by Cengage Learning. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Turfgrass Science and Management are 9781133713876, 1133713874 and the print ISBNs are 9781111542573, 1111542570. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9781305804784, 9780357699317, 9781133474661.
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