Transforming Parks and Protected Areas: Policy and Governance in a Changing World eBook
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**This title was originally published in 2007. The version published in 2012 is a PB reprint of the original HB** The protection of natural resources and biodiversity through protected areas is increasingly based on ecological principles. Simultaneously the concept of ecosystem-based management has become broadly accepted and implemented over the last two decades. However, this period has also seen unprecedented rapid global social and ecological change, which has weakened many protection efforts. These changes have created an awareness of opportunities for innovative approaches to managing protected areas and of the need to integrate social and economic concerns with ecological elements in protected areas and parks management. A rare collection of articles that fuses academic theory, critique of practice and practical knowledge, Transforming Parks and Protected Areas analyzes and critiques these theories, practices, and philosophies, looking in-detail at the emerging issues in the design and operation of parks and protected areas. Addressing critical dynamics and current practices in parks and protected areas management, the excellent volume goes well beyond simple managerial solutions and descriptions of standard practice. With contributions from leading academics and practitioners, this book will be of value to all those working within ecology, natural resources, conservation and parks management as well as students and academics across the environmental sciences and land use management.
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Additional ISBNs
9780415374231, 9780203961902, 9781134190096, 9781134190041, 9781281061126
Transforming Parks and Protected Areas: Policy and Governance in a Changing World 1st Edition and published by Routledge. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Transforming Parks and Protected Areas are 9781134190089, 1134190085 and the print ISBNs are 9780415542647, 0415542642. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9780415374231, 9780203961902, 9781134190096, 9781134190041, 9781281061126.
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