The Two But Rule: Turn Negative Thinking Into Positive Solutions eBook
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An inspiring and exciting guide to building unstoppable momentum for your transformative ideas
In The Two But Rule: Turn Negative Thinking Into Positive Solutions veteran tech innovator John Wolpert delivers an exciting, hands-on guide to using the principles of Momentum Thinking to get you–and your organization–unstuck. You?ll learn how to build unstoppable velocity for your big idea, product, or strategy as you blast through the endless objections and counterarguments that bedevil every innovator and changemaker.
You?ll discover how to address common ?but? complaints, like ?But that?s too expensive,? or ?But that won?t work,? at the same time as you refine your idea and polish it into a gem worthy of attention and implementation. In the book, you?ll also find:
Explanations for why a ?but? statement should always be followed by another ?but? statement
Discussions of why ?toxic positivity? and blind optimism can be just as harmful as constant naysaying
Step-by-step strategies for transforming momentum-killing objections into momentum-boosting innovation rocket fuel
A can?t-miss resource for managers, executives, directors, and business leaders everywhere, The Two But Rule is also perfect for product managers, professionals in any field, government and academic leaders, and anyone else ready to successfully tackle their most stubborn and intractable problems.
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Additional ISBNs
The Two But Rule: Turn Negative Thinking Into Positive Solutions 1st Edition is written by John Wolpert and published by John Wiley & Sons P&T. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for The Two But Rule are 9781394220878, 1394220871 and the print ISBNs are 9781394221080, 1394221088. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9781394220885.