The Weighted Blanket Guide Everything You Need to Know about Weighted Blankets and Deep Pressure for Autism, Chronic Pain, and O eBook
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Providing everything you need to know about the use of weighted blankets to help with sensory integration, improve sleep, ease chronic pain and more, this book includes: ? What a weighted blanket is and how it works ? An exploration of deep pressure and how weight on the body affects the mind ? Guidelines for using weighted blankets at home and in professional environments ? Studies into the effectiveness of weighted blankets ? Advice on how to select an appropriate weighted blanket or sew your own. Based on the latest research, this book dispels the online myths surrounding weighted blankets. It delivers clear information for occupational therapists and anyone considering using a weighted blanket to help with sensory processing disorder, autism, sleep disorders, fibromyalgia, post-traumatic stress disorder, and more.
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The Weighted Blanket Guide: Everything You Need to Know about Weighted Blankets and Deep Pressure for Autism, Chronic Pain, and Other Conditions is written by Eileen Parker; Cara Koscinski and published by Jessica Kingsley Publishers. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for The Weighted Blanket Guide are 9781784502027, 1784502022 and the print ISBNs are 9781849057189, 1849057184.