Today?s Technician: Automotive Engine Repair & Rebuilding, Classroom Manual and Shop Manual, 6th Edition eBook
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TODAY’S TECHNICIAN: AUTOMOTIVE ENGINE REPAIR & REBUILDING, CLASSROOM MANUAL AND SHOP MANUAL, Sixth Edition, delivers the theoretical and practical knowledge technicians need to repair and service modern automotive engines and prepare for the Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) Engine Repair certification exam. Designed to address all ASE Education Foundation standards for Engine Repair, this system-specific text addresses engine construction, engine operation, intake and exhaust systems, and engine repair, as well as the basics of engine rebuilding. Forward-looking discussions include advances in hybrid technology, factors affecting engine performance, and the design and function of modern engine components. Long known for its technical accuracy and concise writing style, the Sixth Edition of this reader-friendly text includes extensive updates to reflect the latest ASE Education Foundation standards, new information on current industry trends and developments, additional drawings and photos, and a variety of electronic tools for instructors.
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Today?s Technician: Automotive Engine Repair & Rebuilding, Classroom Manual and Shop Manual 6th Edition is written by Chris Hadfield; Randy Nussler and published by Cengage Learning. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Today?s Technician: Automotive Engine Repair & Rebuilding, Classroom Manual and Shop Manual are 9781337516778, 1337516775 and the print ISBNs are 9781337672900, 1337672904. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9781305958135.
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