Thinking Collaboratively: Learning in a Community of Inquiry eBook
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Thinking Collaboratively is a theoretical and practical guide to thinking and learning in deep and meaningful ways within purposeful communities of inquiry. Critical thinking has long been recognized as an important educational goal but, until now, has largely been conceived and operationalized as an individual attitude and ability. Increasingly, however, a more relevant and complete cognitive construct has been emerging: thinking collaboratively. Thinking collaboratively is the means to inquire, test, and apply new understandings, and to make sense of the information that bombards us continuously. In short, thinking collaboratively is required to flourish in our highly connected world and, in this book based on more than a decade of research, Garrison provides an essential introduction to this vital concept.
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Additional ISBNs
1138824313, 1138824321, 1315740753, 9781138824317, 9781138824324, 9781315740751, 1317581121, 1317581105, 1317581113, 9781317581123, 9781317581109, 9781317581116
Thinking Collaboratively: Learning in a Community of Inquiry 1st Edition is written by D. Randy Garrison and published by Routledge. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Thinking Collaboratively are 9781317581116, 1317581113 and the print ISBNs are 9781138824324, 1138824321. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 1138824313, 1138824321, 1315740753, 9781138824317, 9781138824324, 9781315740751, 1317581121, 1317581105, 1317581113, 9781317581123, 9781317581109, 9781317581116.