Transnational Education: Issues and Trends in Offshore Higher Education eBook
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While the international mobility of students is a well-established feature of higher education, the international mobility of institutions and courses on a large scale is a more novel phenomenon. Transnational education is at the leading-edge of the most fundamental changes taking place in higher education today. Topics discussed in this new volume include: the extent and form of offshore activity the pedagogical and cultural controversies that have plagued transnational education the challenges it presents to governments, educators and HE managers how governments are developing forms of regulation to integrate cross-border programs and branch-campuses into their strategic planning for the sector the new opportunities for students and institutions. Transnational Education presents a global perspective on the development of international online education, partner-supported transnational programs and international branch campuses. It provides a comprehensive and analytical account of the active role some universities are playing on the international stage and offers valuable guidance on future trends in the sector.
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Additional ISBNs
0415372674, 9780415372671, 6610651906, 0203968352, 1280651903, 1134192967, 1134192959, 1134192916, 9786610651900, 9780203968352, 9781280651908, 9781134192960, 9781134192953, 9781134192915
Transnational Education: Issues and Trends in Offshore Higher Education 1st Edition is written by Grant McBurnie; Christopher Ziguras and published by Routledge. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Transnational Education are 9781134192953, 1134192959 and the print ISBNs are 9780415603591, 0415603595. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 0415372674, 9780415372671, 6610651906, 0203968352, 1280651903, 1134192967, 1134192959, 1134192916, 9786610651900, 9780203968352, 9781280651908, 9781134192960, 9781134192953, 9781134192915.