Today’s Medical Assistant: Clinical & Administrative Procedures eBook
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Bringing together the clinical know-how of Kathy Bonewit-West, the administrative expertise of Sue Hunt, and the anatomy and physiology knowledge of Edith Applegate, this unique, hands-on text guides you through the medical knowledge and skills you need to succeed in today’s fast-paced medical office. The latest standards and competencies for the medical assistant have been incorporated into this new edition, along with expanded coverage on important topics such as nutrition, the electronic medical record, ICD-10, emergency preparedness and disaster planning, time management, and computerized prescription refills.
Consistent, meticulous coverage throughout the main text, IRM, SG, DVDs, Evolve, and more provide reliable content and unparalleled accuracy.
Over 90 procedural videos on DVD and online provide a visual representation of important procedures.
Expanded Student Evolve site contains all animations, games (such as Quiz Show and Road to Recovery), drag-and-drop exercises, Apply your Knowledge exercises, Prepare for Certification exercises, matching exercises, and other helpful activities such as blood pressure readings, determining height and weight, and drawing up medication.
What Would You Do? What Would You Not Do? boxes and responses offer applications of real-life case studies.
Clear and concise Anatomy and Physiology coverage covers the basics of A&P and eliminates the need for a separate A&P text.
Content updates reflect the latest competencies for medical assistants and ensure you have the most current information on the newest trends and updates in the medical assisting world.
8th grade reading level makes material approachable and easy to understand.
New chapter on Emergency Preparedness offers a well-rounded perspective on what to do in specific emergency situations.
New OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens video improves your understanding of personal safety following the OSHA standards.
Pronunciation section in the Terminology Review gives you confidence with pronunciation and medical knowledge.
Application to EMR where appropriate prepares you for the real world by dealing with electronic medical records.
This is a digital product.
Additional ISBNs
1455701564, 0323291805, 1455753351, 9781455701568, 9780323291804, 9781455753352
Today’s Medical Assistant: Clinical & Administrative Procedures 2nd Edition is written by Kathy Bonewit-West; Sue Hunt; Edith Applegate and published by Saunders. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Today’s Medical Assistant are 9780323291804, 0323291805 and the print ISBNs are 9781455701506, 1455701505. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 1455701564, 0323291805, 1455753351, 9781455701568, 9780323291804, 9781455753352.