The Social Context of Ageing eBook
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This comprehensive text focuses on the social contexts of ageing, looking at the diversity of ageing and older people, and at different factors that are important to experiences of old age and ageing. It includes key chapters on: theoretical and methodological bases for the study of ageing demographic context of the ‘ageing’ population health and illness family and social networks formal and informal care and other services for older people. Providing an invaluable introduction to the major issues involved in the study of ageing, this book is essential reading for students of sociology, gerontology, social policy, health and social care, and professionals working with older people.
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The Social Context of Ageing is written by Victor, Christina and published by Routledge. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for The Social Context of Ageing are 9780415221405, 0415221404 and the print ISBNs are 9780415221405, 0415221404.