Therapeutic Pluralism: Exploring the Experiences of Cancer Patients and Professionals eBook
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The profile of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) has risen dramatically over the last decade and cancer patients represent its most prolific users. As a result, the NHS and UK cancer services are attempting to develop a wider range of therapeutic options for patients. Despite such developments, little is known about why cancer patients use CAM, its perceived benefits and the perspectives of the doctors and nurses involved. Drawing on extensive fieldwork in the UK, Therapeutic Pluralism includes over 120 interviews with cancer patients and professionals, plus innovative ?diary? data which, for the first time, detail the experiences of CAM users. It gives a systematic analysis of issues such as: The development of patient preferences and influences on decision making Expectations of CAM and interpretations of ?success? in cancer treatment The nature and importance of ?evidence? and ?effectiveness? for patients The organisational dynamics involved in integrating CAM into the NHS Pathways to CAM and the role of the Internet The role of oncology clinicians in patients? experiences of cancer and their use of CAMs Therapeutic Pluralism is essential reading for students and researchers of medical sociology, complementary and alternative medicine and cancer. It will also be useful to medical and health professionals, and policy-makers with an interest in complementary and alternative medicine.
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Additional ISBNs
0415398525, 0415398533, 1134150822, 0203894456, 9780415398527, 9780415398534, 9781134150823, 9780203894453, 1281229326, 1134150814, 9781281229328, 9781134150816
Therapeutic Pluralism: Exploring the Experiences of Cancer Patients and Professionals 1st Edition is written by Alex Broom; Philip Tovey and published by Routledge. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Therapeutic Pluralism are 9781134150816, 1134150814 and the print ISBNs are 9780415398534, 0415398533. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 0415398525, 0415398533, 1134150822, 0203894456, 9780415398527, 9780415398534, 9781134150823, 9780203894453, 1281229326, 1134150814, 9781281229328, 9781134150816.