The Transformation of Contemporary Health Care: The Market, the Laboratory, and the Forum eBook
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The past three decades have seen enormous changes in the organisation of health care. This book explores the role of knowledge production and technology on these transformations, focusing on the market (attempts to embed principles of economic rationality and efficient use of resources in the shaping and delivery of health care), the laboratory (science, experiments and ‘evidence’ in the management of research, practice and policy) and the forum (the application of deliberative procedures and other forms of public consultation to health care decision making).
This is a digital product.
Additional ISBNs
0415886007, 0415629608, 9780415886000, 9780415629607, 0203110307, 1136274251, 113627426X, 1299540406, 1136274219, 9780203110300, 9781136274251, 9781136274268, 9781299540408, 9781136274213
The Transformation of Contemporary Health Care: The Market, the Laboratory, and the Forum 1st Edition is written by Tiago Moreira and published by Routledge. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for The Transformation of Contemporary Health Care are 9781136274251, 1136274251 and the print ISBNs are 9780415629607, 0415629608. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 0415886007, 0415629608, 9780415886000, 9780415629607, 0203110307, 1136274251, 113627426X, 1299540406, 1136274219, 9780203110300, 9781136274251, 9781136274268, 9781299540408, 9781136274213.