The Role of Technology in Distance Education (Routledge Revivals) eBook
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This book, first published in 1984, provides a comprehensive review of the range of technology that was being used in distance education. Technological developments in word processing, video-disc and viewdata as well as computer-based learning had revolutionised the potential for distance education. These developments required the role of more ?conventional? distance learning media, such as broadcasting, tuition and text, to be reassessed. This book, written by international experts in the field, explored the state of the art at the time, and also provided their ideas on how future developments were likely to evolve. This book is ideal for those studying education and communications.
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Additional ISBNs
113882805X, 031268942X, 1315738597, 9781138828056, 9780312689421, 9781315738598, 1317574184, 1317574192, 1322314535, 1317574176, 9781317574187, 9781317574194, 9781322314532, 9781317574170
The Role of Technology in Distance Education (Routledge Revivals) 1st Edition is written by Tony Bates and published by Routledge. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for The Role of Technology in Distance Education (Routledge Revivals) are 9781317574187, 1317574184 and the print ISBNs are 9781138828070, 1138828076. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 113882805X, 031268942X, 1315738597, 9781138828056, 9780312689421, 9781315738598, 1317574184, 1317574192, 1322314535, 1317574176, 9781317574187, 9781317574194, 9781322314532, 9781317574170.