Trigonometry, 8th Edition eBook
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Gain a solid understanding of the principles of trigonometry and how these concepts apply to real life with McKeague/Turner?s TRIGONOMETRY. This book?s proven approach presents contemporary concepts in brief, manageable sections using current, detailed examples and interesting applications. Captivating illustrations such as cycling, the Ferris wheel, and even the human cannonball, show trigonometry in action. Unique Historical Vignettes offer a fascinating glimpse at how many of the central ideas in trigonometry began. The text is easy to read, and important theorems and definitions are boxed so they can be quickly identified for study purposes.
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Trigonometry 8th Edition is written by Charles P. McKeague; Mark D. Turner and published by Cengage Learning. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Trigonometry are 9781305887466, 1305887468 and the print ISBNs are 9781305652224, 1305652223. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9781337320733, 9781337249201, 9781305983502.
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