Therapeutic Feedback with the MMPI-2: A Positive Psychology Approach eBook
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Therapeutic Feedback with the MMPI-2 provides the clinician with empirically-based, practical information about how to convey the abundance of informationfind this book to be as useful and applicable as the MMPI-2 itself, which is used in psychiatric hospitals; correctional settings; in evaluations for job selection, general medicine, forensic and child custody cases; and even in screenings for television, game, and reality shows. The authors expand upon this already robust test by demonstrating how therapeutic assessment and feedback can be improved upon by considering three contributions from positive psychology: that behavior can be viewed as potentially adaptive; traditional pathological and maladaptive behaviors can be reframed as understandable responses to stressors that therapeutic feedback is empathic, nonjudgmental, and mostly jargon free; humans respond to overwhelming stress in understandable ways that the therapist can give coherence and meaning to lastly, that therapeutic feedback stresses self-esteem and resilience building through self-awareness as a goal. Discussion centers around ten scales and 27 common code types. Each section addresses the complaints, thoughts, emotions, traits and behaviors associated with the profile; therapists? notes; lifestyle and family background; modifying scales; therapy and therapeutic pitfalls; feedback statements; and treatment and self-help suggestions. The larger page size reflects the size of the MMPI-2 interpretive reports and makes it easy for clinicians to copy pages of the book to share with their clients. Therapeutic Feedback with the MMPI-2 is the most detailed volume available on MMPI-2 feedback and is a valuable addition to the bookshelf of any clinician who uses this test.
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Additional ISBNs
9780415884914, 9780203828908
Therapeutic Feedback with the MMPI-2: A Positive Psychology Approach 1st Edition is written by Richard W. Levak; Liza Siegel; David S. Nichols and published by Routledge. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Therapeutic Feedback with the MMPI-2 are 9781136811586, 1136811583 and the print ISBNs are 9781138128675, 1138128678. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9780415884914, 9780203828908.