The Shelly Cashman Series? Collection, Microsoft? 365? & Office?, 1st Edition eBook
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Peck and Olsen?s INTRODUCTION TO STATISTICS AND DATA ANALYSIS, 7th Edition helps you develop the ability to think statistically through its focus on conceptual understanding, use of real data and interpretation and communication of statistical information. Graphical displays of complex data sets are now common both online and in print media, and it is important to be able to interpret these types of displays. The 7th edition contains a new section on graphical displays of multivariable data, with a focus on extracting information and learning from them. WebAssign for Statistics accompanies this text. Designed by educators, WebAssign helps you learn not just do homework. WebAssign grants access to the ebook, assessments and analytics to enable you to be a self-sufficient learner and help you succeed in your course.
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The Shelly Cashman Series? Collection, Microsoft? 365? & Office? 1st Edition is written by Steven M. Freund; Corinne Hoisington and published by Cengage Learning. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for The Shelly Cashman Series? Collection, Microsoft? 365? & Office? are 9798214404011, and the print ISBNs are 9780357881309, 0357881303. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9780357881774.
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