The Shelly Cashman Series? Microsoft? 365? & Office? 2021 Introductory eBook
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Helping you quickly get up to speed, THE SHELLY CASHMAN SERIES? MICROSOFT? 365? & OFFICE? 2021 INTRODUCTORY, 1st edition, includes the latest on Microsoft 365 and Office 2021 features along with enhanced support for Mac users. Its trademark step-by-step, screen-by-screen, project-based approach enables you to expand your understanding of Office applications through hands-on experimentation and critical thinking. Module Learning Objectives are mapped to Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certification objectives, reinforcing the critical skills needed for college and career success. Other Ways boxes reveal alternate click paths to achieve a step, while BTW call-outs offer helpful hints as you work through your projects so you can make the most of Microsoft Office tools. In addition, MindTap and SAM (Skills Assessment Manager) online resources help maximize your study time — and results.
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The Shelly Cashman Series? Microsoft? 365? & Office? 2021 Introductory 1st Edition is written by Sandra Cable and published by Cengage Learning. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for The Shelly Cashman Series? Microsoft? 365? & Office? 2021 Introductory are 9780357676820, 0357676823 and the print ISBNs are 9780357676783, 0357676785. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9780357677353.
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