Theory and Practice of Therapeutic Massage, 5th Edition eBook
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Theory and Practice of Therapeutic Massage, 5th edition is the classic text in the massage industry including the essential knowledge and skills needed to become a successful, professional massage therapist, plus the essentials of anatomy and physiology. Essential topics to the industry such as ethics, hygiene, communication skills, and body mechanics are discussed. Full-color illustrations and photographs clearly illustrate techniques and procedures. Classical massage is expanded with clinical techniques including neuromuscular and myofascial techniques, and lymph massage, combined to better serve the client by following therapeutic procedures. Numerous career tracts are explored including massage in a spa environment and athletic massage. A new chapter discusses massage for special populations including pre-natal, infant, elder, critically ill, people with cancer, and hospice. The final chapter has been revised to cover business practices for finding employment or successful self-employment.
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Theory and Practice of Therapeutic Massage 5th Edition is written by Mark F. Beck and published by Cengage Learning. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Theory and Practice of Therapeutic Massage are 9781133010869, 1133010865 and the print ISBNs are 9781133696377, 1133696376. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9780357236925, 9781133520603, 9781133695936, 9781435485235.
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