Theory and Application in Sociology, 1st Edition eBook
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This text introduces readers to overarching theoretical paradigms in sociology through current, high-interest readings in the discipline. The readings explore social issues in the United States that students see and hear about every day, such as poverty, homelessness, education, healthcare, the environment, and crime. The material illustrates the ways in which these larger societal occurrences and policies impact students’ life experiences and opportunities.
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Theory and Application in Sociology 1st Edition is written by Stephanie Southworth and published by Cognella Academic Publishing. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Theory and Application in Sociology are 817601B, 9781516562176, 1516562178 and the print ISBNs are 9781516506637, 1516506634. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9781516556458, 9781516506644, 9781516506620, 978-1-5165-0663-7, 978-1-5165-6217-6.
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