Transportation Engineering: A Practical Approach to Highway Design, Traffic Analysis, and Systems Operation eBook
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Traffic, highway, and transportation design principles and practical applications This comprehensive textbook clearly explains the many aspects of transportation systems planning, design, operation, and maintenance. Transportation Engineering: A Practical Approach to Highway Design, Traffic Analysis, and Systems Operations explores key topics, including geometric design for roadway alignment; traffic demand, flow, and control; and highway and intersection capacity. Emerging issues such as livable streets, automated vehicles, and smart cities are also discussed. You will get real-world case studies that highlight practical applications as well as valuable diagrams and tables that define transportation engineering terms and acronyms. Coverage includes: ?An introduction to transportation engineering ?Geometric design ?Traffic flow theory ?Traffic control ?Capacity and level of service ?Highway safety ?Transportation demand ?Transportation systems management and operations ?Emerging topics
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Transportation Engineering: A Practical Approach to Highway Design, Traffic Analysis, and Systems Operation 1st Edition is written by Beverly T. Kuhn and published by McGraw-Hill. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Transportation Engineering: A Practical Approach to Highway Design, Traffic Analysis, and Systems Operation are 9781260019582, 1260019586 and the print ISBNs are 9781260019575, 1260019578.
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