Time-Critical Cooperative Control of Autonomous Air Vehicles eBook
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Time-Critical Cooperative Control of Autonomous Air Vehicles presents, in an easy-to-read style, the latest research conducted in the industry, while also introducing a set of novel ideas that illuminate a new approach to problem-solving. The book is virtually self-contained, giving the reader a complete, integrated presentation of the different concepts, mathematical tools, and control solutions needed to tackle and solve a number of problems concerning time-critical cooperative control of UAVs.
By including case studies of fixed-wing and multirotor UAVs, the book effectively broadens the scope of application of the methodologies developed. This theoretical presentation is complemented with the results of flight tests with real UAVs, and is an ideal reference for researchers and practitioners from academia, research labs, commercial companies, government workers, and those in the international aerospace industry.
Addresses important topics related to time-critical cooperative control of UAVs
Describes solutions to the problems rooted in solid dynamical systems theory
Applies the solutions developed to fixed-wing and multirotor UAVs
Includes the results of field tests with both classes of UAVs
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Time-Critical Cooperative Control of Autonomous Air Vehicles is written by Isaac Kaminer; Ant?nio M. Pascoal; Enric Xargay; Naira Hovakimyan; Venanzio Cichella; Vladimir Dobro and published by Elsevier Butterworth Heinemann. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Time-Critical Cooperative Control of Autonomous Air Vehicles are 9780128099476, 012809947X and the print ISBNs are 9780128099469, 0128099461.
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