The Sustainable Fintech Revolution: Building a Greener Future for Finance eBook
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The fintech industry has transformed the way individuals handle their finances, conduct transactions, and access financial services over the past decade. With increased efficiency and cost-effectiveness, fintech has emerged as one of the most profitable industries globally. However, the growth of fintech also presents an opportunity to promote sustainability and social responsibility in the financial sector. Fintech can contribute to financial inclusion, reduce economic disparities, and advance sustainable development goals through the integration of technology. The Sustainable Fintech Revolution: Building a Greener Future for Finance explores how fintech can be used to promote sustainability in the financial industry. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the fintech ecosystem and its potential for advancing sustainability goals, including case studies of companies that have integrated sustainability into their business models. It also offers insights and recommendations for policymakers, regulators, financial institutions, and fintech companies on how they can promote sustainability in the financial industry. This book is ideal for academics and researchers in finance, technology, sustainability, and development studies, as well as practitioners in the fintech industry, policymakers and regulators, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) working on sustainable finance and development issues.
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Additional ISBNs
The Sustainable Fintech Revolution: Building a Greener Future for Finance is written by Singh Kuldeep and published by Business Science Reference. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for The Sustainable Fintech Revolution: Building a Greener Future for Finance are 9798369300114, and the print ISBNs are 9798369300084, . Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9798369300107.
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