Transport Operator Licensing: A Practical Guide for Goods and Passenger Operators eBook
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Transport Operator Licensing takes operators through the whole process of licensing, looking at when licences are required, giving advice on applying for such licences, describing the undertakings that form part of the application, the systems that should be put in place to stay within the undertakings, as well as illustrating what happens when difficulties arise and how to deal with them. Whilst there are books that cover this briefly, for example one chapter in the FTA year book, or online guides, there is nothing more comprehensive to help operators and applicants in this area. This book will plug the gap, as it will provide a tool which operators and those practising in the area can use to find out what is happening and how to deal with it. Transport Operator Licensing is simply and clearly written, so that it can be easily followed by both operators and transport managers without any legal knowledge. There are multiple examples within the text to consolidate understanding of the topic. Appendices contain sample application forms with useful tips and advice on how to fill them in.
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Additional ISBNs
Transport Operator Licensing: A Practical Guide for Goods and Passenger Operators 1st Edition is written by Astra Emir; Mike Oliver and published by Kogan Page. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Transport Operator Licensing are 9780749480547, 0749480548 and the print ISBNs are 9780749480530, 074948053X. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9780749483395.
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