True Stories From the Athletic Training Room eBook
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True Stories from the Athletic Training Room is a collection of 35 true-to life stories shared by certified athletic trainers from their work in industrial settings, high schools, colleges, professional teams, and sports medicine clinics. Brought together by Keith M. Gorse, Francis Feld and Robert O. Blanc, True Stories from the Athletic Training Room is organized by the five domains of athletic training:o Injury and Illness Prevention and Wellness Protectiono Clinical Evaluation and Diagnosiso Immediate and Emergency Careo Treatment and Rehabilitationo Organizational and Professional Health and Well-beingWith this user-friendly organization, readers will be able to easily find examples of any true story they could imagine. Each story features the actual occurrence as it was told by the certified athletic trainer and gives the readers an opportunity to get a genuine feel of what the athletic training profession is really all about, with just a turn of the page.
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True Stories From the Athletic Training Room and published by Slack Incorporated. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for True Stories From the Athletic Training Room are 9781630913854, 1630913855 and the print ISBNs are 9781630913830, 1630913839.
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