Trauma Interventions in War and Peace: Prevention, Practice, and Policy eBook
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With traumatic stress an increasing global challenge, the U.N., the NGO community and governments must take into account the psychological aftermath of large-scale catastrophes and individual or group violence. This volume addresses this global perspective, and provides a conceptual framework for interventions in the wake of abuse, torture, war, and disaster on individual, local, regional, and international levels. To be useful to both practitioners and policymakers, the book identifies model programs that can be implemented at every level.
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Trauma Interventions in War and Peace: Prevention, Practice, and Policy 1st Edition is written by Bonnie L. Green; Matthew J. Friedman; Joop De Jong and published by Springer. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Trauma Interventions in War and Peace are 9780306479687, 0306479680 and the print ISBNs are 9780306477232, 0306477238.
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