Today’s Health Information Management: An Integrated Approach, 2nd Edition eBook
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As technology, legislation, and industry practices continue to evolve rapidly, the health information management profession has become increasingly dynamic, complex, and essential. TODAY’S HEALTH INFORMATION MANAGEMENT, Second Edition, helps you prepare for success in this high-demand field by mastering both the fundamental principles and cutting-edge practices that define modern HIM. The Second Edition includes revised and updated content reflecting the latest trends, technology, and industry best practices, including new material on HIPAA, e-HIM, information systems, data quality, informatics, and current CAHIIM standards and RHIT/RHIA certification exam requirements. This trusted text includes everything you need to succeed in one of today’s fastest-growing and most rewarding professions.
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Today’s Health Information Management: An Integrated Approach 2nd Edition is written by Dana C. McWay and published by Cengage Learning. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Today’s Health Information Management: An Integrated Approach are 9798214355016, and the print ISBNs are 9781133592471, 1133592473. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9781285710358, 9781133590668, 9781285692319, 9781285306988, 9781305893535, 9780357695135, 9781285687452.
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