Trust and Technology in a Ubiquitous Modern Environment eBook
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In the past decade, trust has gained a prominent place at the center of academic scholarship in the social sciences. Trust and Technology in a Ubiquitous Modern Environment: Theoretical and Methodological Perspectives provides a variety of theoretical perspectives on the topics of trust and technology, as well as some empirical investigations into the trust-building, trust-maintenance, and trust-destroying practices in the context of technology. It presents research positioned at the intersection of the issues of trust within and between individuals, and organizations, and technology under various guises, for example, high-tech work environments, computer-mediated communication, and the Internet as a business environment.
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Trust and Technology in a Ubiquitous Modern Environment is written by Dominika Latusek and published by Information Science Reference. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Trust and Technology in a Ubiquitous Modern Environment are 9781615209026, 1615209026 and the print ISBNs are 9781615209019, 1615209018.
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