Trust Modeling and Management in Digital Environments eBook
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With the rapid development of digital and networking technologies, trust has become an important factor that influences the success of digital life in control and management. Trust Modeling and Management in Digital Environments: From Social Concept to System Development examines how reliance is transferred from a social to a digital concept, enabling digital system users to build up confidence in their system. A defining body of sought after research, this innovative publication provides an understanding of the current challenges, solutions, and their limitations to those interested in this advancing field.
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Trust Modeling and Management in Digital Environments is written by Zheng Yan and published by Information Science Reference. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Trust Modeling and Management in Digital Environments are 9781615206834, 1615206833 and the print ISBNs are 9781615206827, 1615206825.
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