Thin Film Coatings for Biomaterials and Biomedical Applications eBook
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Thin Film Coatings for Biomaterials and Biomedical Applications discusses the latest information on coatings, including their historic use by scientists who are looking to improve the properties and biological responses of the material-host interface. Thin films, in particular, are becoming more widely researched and used as an alternative to traditional sprayed coatings because they have a more uniform structure and therefore greater stability.
This book provides readers with a comprehensive guide to thin film coatings and their application in the biomaterials field. Part One of the book details the fundamentals of thin films for biomedical application, while Part Two looks at the special properties of thin films, with a final section reviewing functional thin films and their usage in biomedical applications.
Provides a comprehensive review on the fundamentals, properties, and functions of thin film coatings for biomaterials
Covers a broad range of applications for implantable biomaterials
Written by an international team of contributors who carefully tailor the presented information in a way that addresses industry needs
This is a digital product.
Thin Film Coatings for Biomaterials and Biomedical Applications is written by Griesser, Hans J and published by Woodhead Publishing. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Thin Film Coatings for Biomaterials and Biomedical Applications are 9781782424536, 9781782424765, 1782424768 and the print ISBNs are 9781782424536, 1782424539.
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