The Struggle for Democracy, 2020 Presidential Election 13th Edition eBook
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The Struggle for Democracy?gives you the tools to decode the American political system and to identify opportunities to make a difference. Taking a fresh approach to American government, senior authorEdward Greenberg and co-authors David Doherty, Scott Minkoff, and Josh Ryan present an accessible framework of evidence-based research that shows how government, politics, and the larger society are intertwined. Encouraging critical judgments about how well our government works, the authors pose the questions “How democratic are we?” and “Can government do anything well?” The 2020 Presidential Election Edition offers new narrative coverage of the major issues from today’s headlines, including the 2020 presidential and congressional elections and the coronavirus pandemic.
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The Struggle for Democracy, 2020 Presidential Election Edition 13th Edition is written by Edward S. Greenberg; Benjamin I. Page and published by Pearson. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for The Struggle for Democracy, 2020 Presidential Election Edition are 9780136900795, 0136900798 and the print ISBNs are 9780136901051, 0136901050. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9780137585137, 9780136900856.
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