Therapies for Nail Disorders: A Quick Guide to Best Practice eBook
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This concise text presents the essential points of diagnosis and a quick guide to what are currently the best evidence-based practices in treatment methods. In addition to material on the diseases themselves, there are useful appendices on how to carry out ancillary procedures. Contents: Acute paronychia * Bowen disease * Brittle nails * Chronic paronychia * Eczema * Erythronychia * Glomus tumor * Hematomas * Herpes simplex * Ingrowing nail * Lichen planus * Melanoma * Melanonychias * Myxoid cysts * Onycholysis * Onychomatricoma * Onychomycosis * Onychotillomania * Psoriasis * Retronychia * Squamous cell carcinoma * Subungual exostosis * Trachyonychia * Transverse overcurvature * Warts * Yellow nail syndrome * Practical procedures * Preparing a biopsy specimen
This is a digital product.
Additional ISBNs
9780429428012, 9781138370395
Therapies for Nail Disorders: A Quick Guide to Best Practice 1st Edition is written by Nilton Di Chiacchio; Antonella Tosti and published by CRC Press. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Therapies for Nail Disorders are 9780429765711, 0429765711 and the print ISBNs are 9781138370364, 1138370363. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9780429428012, 9781138370395.
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