Thermal Energy: Sources, Recovery, and Applications eBook
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The book details sources of thermal energy, methods of capture, and applications. It describes the basics of thermal energy, including measuring thermal energy, laws of thermodynamics that govern its use and transformation, modes of thermal energy, conventional processes, devices and materials, and the methods by which it is transferred. It covers 8 sources of thermal energy: combustion, fusion (solar) fission (nuclear), geothermal, microwave, plasma, waste heat, and thermal energy storage. In each case, the methods of production and capture and its uses are described in detail. It also discusses novel processes and devices used to improve transfer and transformation processes.
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Additional ISBNs
9781138746374, 9781315305943, 9781315305950, 9781315305929
Thermal Energy: Sources, Recovery, and Applications 1st Edition is written by Yatish T. Shah and published by CRC Press. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Thermal Energy are 9781315305936, 1315305933 and the print ISBNs are 9781138033535, 1138033537. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9781138746374, 9781315305943, 9781315305950, 9781315305929.
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