Trying Cases to Win: In One Volume eBook
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This book is an insightful study in trial psychology, an instruction manual about how to make your arguments resonate in the courtroom, and an examination of what made some of the greatest trial lawyers of our time so effective.
Law school will teach you the law and how to form an argument, but this book tells, and shows, you how to make your best case and gives you the skills to frame your point in the courtroom. Law students can use this book as a firm foundation for future trial careers. Young associates can turn to this book as they prepare their first real cases for trial. Seasoned practitioners can use Trying Cases to Win to polish existing skills or reground their practice.
This one volume book represents a lifetime of work from two legends in the field, Judge Herbert J. Stern and Professor Steve Saltzburg, founders of The University of Virginia Law School Trial Advocacy Institute, now the National Trial Advocacy College at the University of Virginia. Let these two respected veterans teach you to not just win in the courtroom, but win big.
eBook Details
- American Bar Association
- Release Date:?October 1, 2013
- Imprint:?American Bar Association
- ISBN:?9781627222792
- Language:?English
- Download options: EPUB 2
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