The Soul’s Palette eBook
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Making art, according to Cathy Malchiodi, may be as important to your physical and spiritual health as balanced nutrition, regular exercise, or meditation. Expressing yourself creatively-through drawing, painting, sculpture, photography-allows you to tap into a source of inner wisdom that provides guidance, soothes emotional pain, and revitalizes your being. The Soul’s Palette reveals art’s transformative powers. Exercises include working with materials for drawing, painting, sculpting, and collage; simple drawing and journal projects; self-guided meditations and affirmations; ideas for cultivating intuition, inspiration, and spontaneity; exploring personal symbols; and making art a spiritual practice.
The Soul’s Palette Edition by Cathy A. Malchiodi and Publisher Shambhala (RHP). Save up to 80% by choosing the eTextbook option for ISBN: 9780834825345, 0834825341. The print version of this textbook is ISBN: 9781570628153, 1570628157.
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