The Therapist’s Guide to Addiction Medicine eBook
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Quality: High Quality. No missing contents. Printable
- Focuses on the essential biological and medical knowledge that a therapist or counselor should have if he or she desires to work effectively in addiction treatment.
- Explains addiction’s scientific and nonscientific elements in a generally easy-to-read format.
- Written by an addiction medicine specialist with thirty-five years of experience in the field.
- Anyone interested in learning about the current state-of-the-art understanding of addiction will find this book helpful.
- This book will lead to improved integration of the medical and counseling fields.
- Combines current knowledge in the field of addiction with relevant clinical observations interwoven with wisdom and humor to offer professionals and educators a guide that addresses all the essential aspects of addiction and its treatment.
The Therapist’s Guide to Addiction Medicine Edition by Barry Solof and Publisher Central Recovery Press. Save up to 80% by choosing the eTextbook option for ISBN: 9781937612443, 1937612449. The print version of this textbook is ISBN: 9781937612436, 1937612430.
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