The Tools of Government: A Guide to the New Governance eBook
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The Tools of Government?is the first professional guide to the principles and practices of public administration in an age when governments no longer provide many services–but arrange for others to do so. Characterized by extensive collaboration among levels of government and between government and the private sector, this new approach to solving public problems presents many new important issues.Comprehensive in scope, this new book offers a first hand look at the challenges faced by contracting out to nonprofit and profit sectors for grants, insurance, regulation, vouchers, cooperative arrangements, tax data, grants-in-aid, and others. The chapters examine over 20 different tools in use today and summarizes their basic features, patterns of usage, key tasks, political and substantive rational, and the major management challenges that each one poses.International in coverage and application, this book is ideal for students, teachers, and scholars in public administration, management, public policy, economics, political science, and nonprofit management; managers and heads of state, local, and federal agencies; executives in foundations and other nonprofit organizations; and academic, government, and research libraries.
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Additional ISBNs
0195136659, 0199770867, 9780195136654, 9780199770861
The Tools of Government: A Guide to the New Governance and published by Oxford University Press. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for The Tools of Government are 9780199881277, 0199881278 and the print ISBNs are 9780199770861, 0199770867. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 0195136659, 0199770867, 9780195136654, 9780199770861.
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