The Urbanism of Metabolism: Visions, Scenarios and Models for the Mutant City of Tomorrow eBook
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This edited book explores and promotes reflection on how the lessons of Metabolism experience can inform current debate on city making and future practice in architectural design and urban planning. More than sixty years after the Metabolist manifesto was published, the author?s original contributions highlight the persistent links between present and past that can help to re-imagine new urban futures as well as the design of innovative intra-urban relationships and spaces. The essays are written by experienced scholars and renowned academics from Japan, Australia, Europe, South Korea and the United States and expose Metabolism?s special merits in promoting new urban models and evaluate the current legacy of its architectural projects and urban design lessons. They offer a critical, intellectual, and up-to-date account of the Metabolism projects and ideas with regard to the current evolution of architectural and urbanism discourse in a global context. The collection of cross-disciplinary contributions in this volume will be of great interest to architects, architectural and urban historians, as well as academics, scholars and students in built environment disciplines and Japanese cultural studies.
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Additional ISBNs
1032030712, 1003186548, 1032030739, 9781032030715, 9781003186540, 9781032030739
The Urbanism of Metabolism: Visions, Scenarios and Models for the Mutant City of Tomorrow 1st Edition and published by Routledge. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for The Urbanism of Metabolism are 9781000539486, 1000539482 and the print ISBNs are 9781032030715, 1032030712. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 1032030712, 1003186548, 1032030739, 9781032030715, 9781003186540, 9781032030739.
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