Topological Quantum Field Theory and Four Manifolds eBook
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The emergence of topological quantum ?eld theory has been one of the most important breakthroughs which have occurred in the context of ma- ematical physics in the last century, a century characterizedbyindependent developments of the main ideas in both disciplines, physics and mathematics, which has concluded with two decades of strong interaction between them, where physics, as in previous centuries, has acted as a source of new mat- matics. Topological quantum ?eld theories constitute the core of these p- nomena, although the main drivingforce behind it has been the enormous e?ort made in theoretical particle physics to understand string theory as a theory able to unify the four fundamental interactions observed in nature. These theories set up a new realm where both disciplines pro?t from each other. Although the most striking results have appeared on the mathema- calside,theoreticalphysicshasclearlyalsobene?tted,sincethecorresponding developments have helped better to understand aspects of the fundamentals of ?eld and string theory.
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Topological Quantum Field Theory and Four Manifolds is written by Jose Labastida; Marcos Marino and published by Springer. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Topological Quantum Field Theory and Four Manifolds are 9781402031779, 1402031777 and the print ISBNs are 9781402030581, 1402030584.
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