TopologyA Categorical Approach eBook
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A graduate-level textbook that presents basic topology from the perspective of category theory. This graduate-level textbook on topology takes a unique approach: it reintroduces basic, point-set topology from a more modern, categorical perspective. Many graduate students are familiar with the ideas of point-set topology and they are ready to learn something new about them. Teaching the subject using category theory–a contemporary branch of mathematics that provides a way to represent abstract concepts–both deepens students’ understanding of elementary topology and lays a solid foundation for future work in advanced topics.
This is a digital product.
Topology: A Categorical Approach is written by Tai-Danae Bradley; Tyler Bryson; John Terilla and published by The MIT Press. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Topology are 9780262359627, 0262359626 and the print ISBNs are 9780262539357, 0262539357.
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