The Security Leader?s Communication Playbook: Bridging the Gap between Security and the Business eBook
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This book is for cybersecurity leaders across all industries and organizations. It is intended to bridge the gap between the data center and the board room. This book examines the multitude of communication challenges that CISOs are faced with every day and provides practical tools to identify your audience, tailor your message and master the art of communicating. Poor communication is one of the top reasons that CISOs fail in their roles. By taking the step to work on your communication and soft skills (the two go hand-in-hand), you will hopefully never join their ranks. This is not a ?communication theory? book. It provides just enough practical skills and techniques for security leaders to get the job done. Learn fundamental communication skills and how to apply them to day-to-day challenges like communicating with your peers, your team, business leaders and the board of directors. Learn how to produce meaningful metrics and communicate before, during and after an incident. Regardless of your role in Tech,?you will find something of value somewhere along the way in this book.
Additional ISBNs
1003100295, 1032074760, 0367570017, 9781003100294, 9781032074764, 9780367570019
The Security Leader?s Communication Playbook: Bridging the Gap between Security and the Business 1st Edition is written by Jeffrey W. Brown and published by CRC Press. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for The Security Leader?s Communication Playbook are 9781000440300, 1000440303 and the print ISBNs are 9781032074764, 1032074760. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 1003100295, 1032074760, 0367570017, 9781003100294, 9781032074764, 9780367570019.
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