The Supersensible in Kants ?Critique of Judgment? eBook
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In this close analysis of Immanuel Kant?s aesthetics in his?Critique of Judgment, Dr. Julie N. Books, explains why Kant fails to provide a convincing basis for his desired necessity and universality of our aesthetic judgments about beauty. Drawing upon her extensive background in the visual arts, art history, and philosophy, Dr. Books provides a unique discussion of Kant?s supersensible, illuminating how it cannot justify his a priori nature of our aesthetic judgments about beauty. She uses examples from the history of art, including paintings by Michelangelo, Caravaggio, Rubens, and Constable, to support her views. This book will make a significant addition to courses on the philosophy of Kant, aesthetics, philosophy of art, metaphysics, the history of Western philosophy, ethics, psychology, and art history.
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Additional ISBNs
1433131919, 1453916768, 9781433131912, 9781453916766
The Supersensible in Kants ?Critique of Judgment? 1st Edition is written by Julie N. Books and published by Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for The Supersensible in Kants ?Critique of Judgment? are 9781454199366, 1454199369 and the print ISBNs are 9781433131912, 1433131919. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 1433131919, 1453916768, 9781433131912, 9781453916766.
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