The Science of Animal Growth and Meat Technology eBook
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The Science of Animal Growth and Meat Technology, Second Edition,?combines fundamental science- based and applied, practical concepts relating to the prenatal and postnatal growth of cattle, sheep and pigs. It provides the necessary components to understand the production and growth of livestock for safe and quality meat products and presents an understanding of the principles of meat science and technology that is needed to understand the meat industry. Information on the slaughter process of animals, muscle structure and meat tenderness, meat quality, meat safety, and microbiology makes this a valuable self-study reference for students and professionals entering the field.
- Describes principles in muscle metabolism, meat quality and meat safety using case studies
- Discusses the microbial safety of meat products, primary pathogens of concern, and pathogen detection
- Offers solutions on how to control bacterial growth to improve the safety and quality of meat
- Presents a new chapter on packaging for meat and meat products that focuses on flexible film technology, packaging materials and equipment technology
- Includes new information on inspection systems prior to slaughter, during slaughter, and the inspection of meat processing systems
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