The Vaccine Book eBook
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Topics unique to this book:
* Ethics
* Economics
* Diseases that could be prevented
* Clinical trial designs
* Ideas about the future of vaccines
* Challenges facing research scientists in the vaccine area
* Burden of vaccine-preventable illness and the impact of vaccines
* Scientific obstacles to be overcome by existing and new vaccines
* Basic mechanisms of host immunity and pathogen interaction with host tissues
* New approaches to future vaccines against challenging diseases
* Real and perceived safety issues which dominate vaccine development and vaccination policies
* Microbial pathogenesis as a basis for vaccine design
* Planning vaccine trials
* Introducing new vaccines into the healthcare system
* Future challenges for vaccines and immunizations
Additional ISBNs
6611037004, 0080542662, 1281037001, 1429498366, 9786611037000, 9780080542669, 9781281037008, 9781429498364
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