Trust and Technology in B2B E-Commerce eBook
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As the use of technology has considerably increased in B2B e-commerce, it becomes imperative to address the issues of trust that emerge in the context of technology. Trust and Technology in B2B E-Commerce: Practices and Strategies for Assurance focuses on various trust issues that emerge from deployment of various e-commerce technologies in interorganizational relationships. Some of these issues relate to security, privacy, authentication, non-repudiation, quality of Web interface, system performance, infrastructure, and environmental factors. This book contributes to the ongoing process of developing a framework for understanding the process of building trust in B2B e-commerce.
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Trust and Technology in B2B E-Commerce is written by Muneesh Kumar and published by Business Science Reference. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Trust and Technology in B2B E-Commerce are 9781613503546, 1613503547 and the print ISBNs are 9781613503539, 1613503539.
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