Think Like a Genius: The Ultimate User’s Manual for Your Brain eBook
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Learn the easy steps to harnessing the incredible creative power of your mind that can enable anyone to Think Like A Genius. How you already think like a genius without even knowing it–page 6 The secret formula for genius: C.R.E.A.T.E.–page 22 Ways to overcome the fear that inhibits the genius within you–page 58 How to transform the cynicism of I can’t do it to the confidence of I can do anything–page 66 Breaking out of mental ruts and daily routines that block your road to genius–page 77 How to turn the obvious into a work of art, a new insight, or a multimillion-dollar creation–page 92 Getting unstuck from the quicksand of indecision and procrastination–page 106 The secret essence of every stroke of genius–page 165 And much more!