The Ultimate Sock Puppet Book: Clever Tips, Tricks, and Techniques for Creating Imaginative Sock Puppets eBook
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Everyone has a sock or two without a mate, lost to the abyss of the dryer, but what to do with this lonely laundry left-over? Worry not!?The Ultimate Sock Puppet Book?will help you craft whimsical, quirky creatures that you can create with just some inexpensive materials and imagination. Moving from the simple to the extraordinary, authors Tiger Kandel and Heather Schloss will take readers on a journey through the incredible world of sock puppets. Learn secrets to fantasy creatures, animals, and even human portrait puppets. With trademark techniques, easy-to-follow instructions, illustrations, stencils, and photographs your misfit socks will transform into characters that are full of life and personality.
Everyone has a sock or two without a mate, lost to the abyss of the dryer, but what to do with this lonely laundry left-over? Worry not!?The Ultimate Sock Puppet Book?will help you craft whimsical, quirky creatures that you can create with just some inexpensive materials and imagination. Moving from the simple to the extraordinary, authors Tiger Kandel and Heather Schloss will take readers on a journey through the incredible world of sock puppets. Learn secrets to fantasy creatures, animals, and even human portrait puppets. With trademark techniques, easy-to-follow instructions, illustrations, stencils, and photographs your misfit socks will transform into characters that are full of life and personality.