The Vocal Arts Workbook: A Practical Course for Developing the Expressive Actor?s Voice eBook
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“Refreshing and imaginative, this book teaches through enhanced awareness and instructs through clear and specific exercises.” Cicely Berry A practical course for actors and other professional voice-users to achieve clarity and expressivity with the voice. Setting out the fundamental principles of voice training, the book provides structured and informed methods for developing vocal power, range and flexibility. At the heart of the book are practical projects with exercises and examples supplied in the accompanying online videos, which enable you to: – connect your breath with your voice – meet the demands of your performance – use your voice expressively through fully controlling pitch and range Each chapter consists of an introductory framework; explorations; exercises; follow-up work; suggested texts and further reading altogether offering a unique, student-centred approach not found in other voice books. This revised edition speaks more directly to the actor, rather than the voice teacher, through revised terminology and descriptions, updated references, additional appendices on health and other issues related to trends in contemporary drama and questions of equality, diversity and inclusion with respect to vocabulary and suggested texts. Includes forewords by Cicely Berry and Fiona Shaw.